UPDATE: Longwood Collective Shuttle COVID Policies
Effective Friday, May 12th, the Longwood Collective will update its policy from requiring masks be worn at all times to encouraging masks while on our shuttles. This policy update coincides with the end of the federal and Massachusetts COVID-19 Public Health Emergency at the end of the day on May 11th, and is consistent with CDC guidelines, which do not require masks to be worn on public or private buses or vans.
The following best practices will be continued on Longwood Collective shuttles:
- Hand sanitizer stations are mounted at the rear door of vehicles.
- Mid-day cleaning of all high touchpoint areas on every vehicle before returning to PM service, in addition to the nightly deep clean of every vehicle.
- Increased ventilation when weather permits, allowing drivers to open windows and roof hatches to increase airflow in the vehicles.
- Supervisors at high-traffic boarding locations to assist drivers and passengers, monitoring ridership, and helping drivers determine when capacity has been reached.
We look forward to continuing to provide this essential service to the Longwood community and we want to thank you in advance for your cooperation with the new policy. For questions, concerns, or general feedback, please reach out to us: https://shuttlesupport.masco.harvard.edu/