| Complete the Emergency Ride Home Confirmation Report |
Register for the Emergency Ride Home Self-Serve Program

Contact Longwood Collective TMA by phone (617-632-2796 or 617-632-2846) to schedule a FREE lyft!
Leave your car in the driveway and achieve commuting peace of mind knowing you have a FREE ride from Longwood to home in the event of illness or emergency for yourself or someone you care for. Join the Emergency Ride Home (ERH), program by creating an account in our online commuting portal, GoLongwood. Select, (when prompted), to join the "Longwood Collective ERH" network during the registration process.
All employees of Longwood Collective members who incorporate walking, biking, transit, car or vanpooling as all or part of trips to work are eligible. Use your workplace email to confirm eligibility.
Fine print
- Participants must be registered in the GoLongwood online commuting portal in order to access FREE rides with our vendor, lyft. Rides subject to availability of Lyft drivers.
- Participants who need a Longwood Collective employee to schedule a ride on their behalf, are limited to a 9am-5pm, Monday through Friday service window.
- Lyft driver is not responsible for providing/ installing car seats for children and program participant will make their own choices about how they use the program in relation to children.
- Participants are eligible for up to 3 rides per calendar year, must use a work email to register and all rides must depart from the Longwood neighborhood.
- Students do not qualify for the ERH program.
- This service is to provide rides from work to home specifically for illness or emergency for a participant or a dependent they care for and does not cover: scheduled doctor's visits, missing your train, disruptions to transit schedules for whatever reason, errands, business travel, rides into work or rides needed because working late or weather conditions.
- Rides are accessed by calling Longwood Collective (number above) and we will schedule your ride; you will recieve driver information directly.
- A confirmation report will be due within five days of your trip.