several images of outside programs

                                                                       LONGWOOD’S PLACEMAKING INITIATIVE

Outside// is here for the 2024 season! Visit this map to see locations for outdoor seating, reading libraries, and game carts open to the public. All summer long, we will be hosting a variety of free programs all across the LMA including Wag Wednesday dog petting events, our Bands on Blackfan concert series, and weekly food trucks. Follow us on Instagram (@longwoodarea) and Twitter (@longwood_LMA) for updates.

THIS WEEK OUTSIDE: September 30th through October 4th

food trucks for this week people holding puppies for wag wednesday music schedule



Outside// transforms underutilized plazas and walkways into public spaces for all to relax, have fun, and connect with one another. Outside// provides programs across its 11 locations including a weekly Wag Wednesday dog program, 20 hours of live music performances each week, a 400-title Reading Room library, weekly fitness classes, new public art, and weekly food trucks. Outside// was created by Longwood Collective in 2019 in partnership with Boston Children's Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Learn more about our work on StoryMap.

Outside// is growing! See below for locations for the 2024 season. 

A map of a city

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